Life is never dull with goats around! Goats are affectionate, demanding, playful, aggravating, stubborn, intelligent, curious and versatile
Each one of "our girls" has a name, and each is cared for individually. This special attention keeps our goats happy, but also accounts for the higher cost of our milk & cheese. Our herd consists of registered Nubians, and Lamanchas and a few crosses of the two. Each goat is capable of producing a gallon or more a day of rich and creamy goat milk. This wonderful milk is what we use to make our cheese.
Our current breeding program consists of fall breeding with spring kidding. While this keeps with the goats' natural cycles, it also provides for projected milk needs and allows a milking break for the milkers. Does are typically dry (not in milk production) from approximately October through March. During this time, they are happily ruminating and gestating.
The feeding program has been very well thought out, tried out, and evolved. While we are not organic, we are natural as we can be -- no hormones of any kind are ever given. There is a high emphasis on prevention and health. Hay is of the highest quality available. They are given alfalfa pellets before milking and as a suppplement when good hay is scarce. We feed a high quality pellited grain ration. We also add a little BOSS (black oil sunflower seed) to raise butterfat, sea kelp, crimpted oats, corn and probiotics while the girls are on the milk stand. All our goats are fed the best of feeds, grain, hay, minerals, and salt.
Our goats are wormed as needed. While in milk does are given a natural herbal wormer.
Learn about Dairy Goat Breeds. Click Following LINK
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